Gift Bag
This is a simple bag with an i-cord closure. It can be embellished so many ways. This pattern can be adapted for any stitch pattern – adjust the number of stitches cast on to accommodate the pattern repeat. Use stripes of eyelash yarn, boucle, or other “fancy” yarns for interest. The closure can be ribbon instead of the i-cord.
Yarn: Select a washable, non-feltable yarn – if the yarn you have is fine, use doubled.
Needles: Size 8-10 depending on the weight of the yarn
1. CO 64(small) 72(medium) 80(large) stitches. Join for working in the round, being careful not to twist.
2. Knit
3. Purl
4. Knit 3 rows
5. Purl
6. I-cord slits *YO, K2tog* repeat this all the way around the bag.
7. Purl
8. Knit for 6” (or more or less depending how long you would like the bag to be). This is where you can try a new stitch pattern. Just look through the variety of stitch dictionaries and try a new one.
9. For a flat bottom bag, use a 3-needle bind-off. At the end of a round, put both needles together parallel in left hand. Grab another needle and use this to Bind-off.
a. *Slip new needle into first stitch on the front needle as if to knit, slip the same needle into the first stitch on the back needle as if to knit, knit these two stitches together and slip off onto the right needle.*
b. Repeat so there are two stitches on the right needle.
c. With the tip of the left hand needle, pass the first stitch on the right needle over the second. One stitch on right needle.
d. Bind off all stitches in the same manner. Work away the end into the seam with a tapestry needle.
10. Make an i-cord
a. Cast on 4 stitches on a DPN (double pointed needle)
b. Slide stitches to the opposite end of the needle without turning the needle. The working yarn should be leading off the leftmost stitch on the needle across the back of the i-cord. Knit these four stitches. (This little technique is really magic…we are taught to turn at the end of the row, but don’t do it and you will end up with a lovely cord.)
c. Repeat until i-cord is the length you need and cast off.
d. After threading the i-cord through the bag, tie knots in the ends of the cord